While February was quieter in terms of change of governance for the insurance companies, for March it’s a different story.
AXA Belgium

Thomas Buberl, the CEO of the AXA group, has recently announced several changes in the governance of different entities of the French group. Indeed, in order to say on track of the strategic plan of the group, a new CEO for AXA Belgium has been appointed. As from July 1st, Etienne Bouas-Laurent will be replacing Jef Van In, who will take new responsibilities at the group level.
Etienne Bouas-Laurent is currently the Finance Director of the group, and his role will be taken over by Alban de Mailly Nesle, former Director of risks and investments at the group level.
KBC Belgium

Daniel Falque, currently CEO of the Belgium division, will retire from KBC at the beginning of May, after 12 years with the group as CEO of CBC Bank, from 2009 to 2012 and as a member of the Group Executive Committee and CEO of the Belgium division from 2012 until today. David Moucheron, currently CEO of K&H Bank & Insurance and country CEO for Hungary will take over his responsibilities as the head of the Belgian division.
Rik Scheerlinck, Group CFO of KBC will retire after a 37-year career with KBC. He will be succeeded by Luc Popelier, currently CEO of the international markets division.
Fédérale Assurance

Last October Frank Goes, President of the Administration Board of Fédérale Assurance, sadly passed away. The Belgian insurer has recently elected a new President: Frédéric de Schrevel. He has been a member of the Board of Administration of Fédérale Assurance since 2013. Frédéric de Schrevel is also a member of the Risk Committee since 2016, of the Appointment and Compensation Committee since 2017 and of the Audit Committee since the beginning of 2021.
AG Insurance

As from April 1st, the Director of Human resources of AG Insurance, Jan Heyvaert will have greater responsibilities as he evolves as Chief Human Resources & Sustainability Officer (CHRSO), he will now be a member of the Board of Directors. For the first time in the history of AG Insurance, a Director of Sustainability has been appointed: Nathalie Erdmanis.
- Argus de l’Assurance, Axa : le comité de direction renouvelé
- Assuropolis, Etienne Bouas-Laurent nommé nouveau CEO d’AXA Belgium
- Assuropolis, Changement au sein du comité de direction d’AG insurance
- Assuropolis, Fédérale Assurance : Frédéric de Schrevel est le nouveau Président du conseil d’administration
- L’Echo, David Moucheron, banquier (un peu) par hasard
- Assuropolis, Un nouveau CEO et un nouveau directeur financier chez KBC Belgique